Sunday, May 10, 2009

Recently Watched Movies: Capote, The Terminal and The Snow Walker

Philip Seymour Hoffman at his best, I must say...

I have always felt, that the Oscar for Best Actor should go only to actors who deliver performances that are 'unique' to themselves. Some great examples, Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump and Anthony Hopkins as Dr.Hannibal.

Hoffman was, without a doubt, a proper recipient for the award. His version of Capote was one heck of an imitation.
He had the voice, the physique and that 'gesture-down' pat. And beyond all that, Hoffman managed to provide a moving look at one of the most brilliant minds ever to rule history.

Listening to Capote's voice through the movie though, for me, was like listening to someone scrape a fork on a plate.

Nevertheless, this story is sure to live up to all your expectations. This is definitely a movie worth seeing.

This film is a marvel.

I love Tom Hanks. I love watching this guy act. I loved him in this movie. I really did. This may possibly be the first story ever written without any flaws.

If you're a fan of watching someone act (and I mean act for no apparent reason whatsoever), this is the film for you. Tom Hanks kicks ass in this kind of thing, he really does.
He proves that he is the best living actor out there, with a style of his own, and with no equal to match.
Not one of Spielberg's bigger, more epic works. Much like "Catch Me If You Can", this story is lighthearted, breezy and straightforward. And with John William's score to top it all off. This movie is sure to win the hearts of all viewers.
The Snow Walker. To summarize, this film had a nice storyline, pleasant scenery. It's in focus. Yeah, but that's about it...
It was a quiet little movie that didn't have much to say. If you like tales of survival, with a bit of romance stashed in, this should work for you.
The story is about a pilot, who works in a rural territory in Northwest Canada. After a generous bribe, he agrees to pick up an Inuit girl (with tuberculosis) from the area and fly her to a hospital. His plane then crashes halfway, and the two must somehow keep alive.
That's basically it. Really, I mean it. Take the first three sentences of this paragraph, and read them continuously for an hour and a half. And you'll have a rough idea what it is like sitting through this movie.
To be fair, there were certain moments of interest in specific parts of the movie. But none of them lasted long. If you can stay awake through this movie, you may find the story mildly interesting. But who am I kidding, you won't make it :)
If you're interested in consciousness, you may want to pass on this one and go for better options.


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