Thursday, April 30, 2009

By far the best film I've seen this year!

This film absolutely threw me for six!

And to think, this movie was at the very end of my 'to-watch' list on HBO. (Glad it didn't turn into a case of missed opportunity)

I was never a big fan of Colin 'See-How-Good-I-Look-When-I-Brood' Farrell... And crime thrillers usually thrill me about as much as a plate of boiled fish. (With very few exceptions from geniuses like Alfred Hitchcock)

But right from the start, this small tale, set in the small Belgian town of Bruge, shook me to my foundation.

I couldn't help but marvel at how director Martin McDonagh managed to rouse every human emotion possible to make viewers like me sympathise with, believe it or not, three murderers...making me laugh, cry and feel for each character all the way through, right till the end.

And for all that, I'd have to rank this movie head and shoulders above all other films I've seen this year (for the past 4 months, at least), including, yes, the much lauded 'Slumdog Millionaire'.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I've said to myself over and over again that I would never have a blog of my own...but lo and behold, here it is people! I'm finally doing it!!

Do I know what I'm up against??


Do I know what I'm going to write about??

Not a clue...

So why start a blog??

At the moment, I have to admit, it's my curiousity that got me this far. Nevertheless people, I'll make this site work, one way or another...guess I'll be experimenting extensively on this whole blogging thing for the next couple of days.

So, what will you be seeing and reading on my blog??

For the time being, I'll post some introduction-based material... family, interests, favourites etc.

And also, for the convenience of my fellow mates from the Pet Finder site, i'll be stashing in the occasional posts on rescued pets, plus some adoption profiles to make future contacts easy. And that's about it :)

And now that I've bored you to death with my babbling, I want to thank you people for checking out my blog!! Big hugs to you, and do visit back soon!!

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