Sunday, July 26, 2009

Body of Lies

Let me start by pointing out that this movie was not on my radar when I went out to get my first (yes, my VERY FIRST) blu-ray DVD copy, two days back.
In fact, I would have missed it all together, if it wasn't for the sudden loss for options that I faced...and if I hadn't been so poor with cash...
(now I understand why some people JUST wanna be rich...I need MONEY!!)
But now, having watched this film, i'm positive that there isn't a better option I could've hoped to start with...

For starters, the quality in High-Def was grand!! Viewing an entire movie in this mode (compared to just trailers and such) absolutely thrilled the sound effects were fantastic!! When you're granted a Saturday night alone with your TV and sound system...after sooooo bloody long, you can't possibly hope for anything better than this sort of experience...

Now, moving on to the main part our discussion...

(Warning, spoilers below!)

The movie, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe is a (from what i've gathered) "spy-cum-action-cum-drama" flick...yes, all these elements are there. It has a serious story-line behind it, and if you're not paying close attention, you will miss out on a lot of the intrigue.

I remember constantly trying, from the start, to figure out how the title could be linked to the movie (and no, i don't do this for every movie, only when it matters). It's called Body of Lies for many reasons...there are many parts involving lies and betrayals, some of which are completely unexpected, and these will keep you on high alert throughout the story.

Director Ridley Scott gives full focus to the protagonist (DiCaprio) in the movie. The 'villains' are whoever the protagonist happens to fight against, even occasionally the protagonist's boss (Russell Crowe) for getting in his way during missions.

Crowe's character holds a lot of control in the story...and there's the steady dose of arrogance and pride (which i think fit his role always does, Crowe's just meant to play such characters).
But even with all the power in hand, his character seems incapable of doing anything he's obligated to...from raising his family and kids to handling his job via their high-tech spy aircraft...

I guess that's pretty much how it seems that "The War" is being fought...a bunch of people without a clue regarding what is going on, flailing around with explosives and losing their sense of purpose in between.

But the acting kudos (in my opinion) goes to Mark Strong, who plays the Jordanian Chief of Intelligence, Hani Salaam. I'll admit, I had a hard time figuring out his significance in the story during his first few appearances...and I certainly didn't think (until the turn of events that occured towards the end of the story) that I would grow to respect his character as much as I do now. He really does stand out as the "intelligent" character that he portrays, in every possible sense of the word...a good conversationalist, he proves himself more than a match for DiCaprio and Crowe in some key scenes. "Never lie to me..." is one phrase which I noticed, he held on to without fail, throughout the movie.
And these bits of 'trust' that the other characters gain...and take so lightly from Hani, prove more than essential...ecspecially when things start getting out of hand towards the climax of the story.

This film really got me thinking about a lot of things, and it had me engaged entirely.

Plus, I really appreciate where DiCaprio is going with his career (with reference to his previous movies like The Departed and Blood Diamond). At least now I can finally put away his performance in the Titanic and look at his acting from new perspectives.

On an overall note...this may not seem like your typical feel-good movie, but there are definitely some inspirational ideas to gain...ONLY if you're willing to sit through, really focus and put in the necessary effort to try an understand every significant detail in the movie.

The Trailer:

Thank you people.

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